A Hooking Drama

Downton Abbey Captivates Viewers Young and Old with Intrigue and Suspense


This is the title card image that appears in the TV show. (Photo courtesy by: WikiCommons)

The period drama sets off nostalgia for any who watch it, keeping them glued to the TV for an hour every weekend. The luscious gowns and proper etiquette make viewers long for a chance to live in such an elegant society, as well as the applicable downstairs with the hard working class of the staff at Downton Abbey.

As the story goes from the tragedy of the mighty White Star Line ship Titanic to the modern era of the 1920’s, the drama continuously becomes more tragic and twisted.

When the fourth season premiered, the same deep story lines and quality writing prevailed. Throughout the years of 1912-’22 the history of the time has been brilliantly incorporated into all the episodes. From the intensity of World War I to the classic modern rebellion of the twenties, the characters continue to morph themselves to the time, changing attitudes and behaviors to incorporate real life situations and true feelings.

For Americans especially, the authentic accents heard on the show are especially intriguing and deliciously foreign. It sets the viewer in a different time and place with authentic details that take viewers beyond their living room.

However, there is no way to tell how long that will last. As the fourth season proceeds, it seems to bring extra, predictable, and unnecessary plots to the 20th century castle.

The impending doom that always seems to be coming for the family at Downton instantly intrigues viewers, typically involving twisted servants and scandal to the upper class. As Downton continues to go through more trials and drama, the now loyal viewers and fans will wonder how long the Abbey can prevail.