Preview: Beauty & the Beast

A preview of the heart-warming Disney fairytale which hits theaters in the spring.


A beloved, kind-hearted young woman who takes care of her father — the only family that she has. An arrogant prince who cares only about himself yet is handsome on the exterior. She is smart and beautiful on the inside-out. He becomes a ghastly beast cursed for the ugliness of his heart. This is Beauty & the Beast.

The tale follows Belle, who, after her father is imprisoned by the beast, volunteers to take his place. In their time together, the beast learns from Belle what it truly means to be kind-hearted and is able to witness real love and sacrifice. In this unique fairytale, an evil heart becomes good, and true love is found.

Young and old alike anticipate the arrival of Beauty & the Beast in theaters — the story that bonded parents and their children as it took both the form of a Disney animation and a heart-warming storybook. For the first time ever, Beauty & the Beast will come to real life on the big screen on March 17, 2017 — just before the start of spring.

The new version will take a different approach to the traditional story of Beauty & the Beast. One significant diversion from the animated version is that Belle is now the inventor instead of her father, and her father makes music boxes. The producers made this change in order to add to the uniqueness of Belle’s personality and to further justify why she feels like she is different from everyone in her town.

Additionally, in this new version, Belle’s father is more protective of her because of her mother’s recent death. Entertainment Weekly shines light on the change.

“We’ve made all these music boxes that represent different countries of the world, so she can see what she’s missing,” said Katie Spencer, the set decorator for the movie.

Emma Watson will be starring as Belle in this new version of Beauty & the Beast, and Kevin Kline will play the role of her father. Walt Disney Pictures is just as excited for the release of the movie as their fans. The studio has released a clip of Emma Watson singing “Belle”, the film’s opening song, and are showing the audience  already why she is perfect for her role.