Here’s My Thoughts

Don’t Let Yourself Drown

If you were in Saint Louis at all over break, you probably got a Watery Christmas instead of a White Christmas.

     Some people drowned this Christmas. Not physically—as far as I know—but mentally or materially, people lost their livelihood. Now, as we recovering from the crisis, it is important to remember not to drown.

     There are a couple of ways in which people could mentally drown this post-Christmas season. Those who came out of the floodwaters drenched and destroyed are susceptible to drowning in self-pity. Losing everything and watching the debt rise is no small thing, and they have every right to be scared, upset, and confused about what God’s plan for this is. To plug their ears and pretend the destruction did not happen would be imprudent. However, swinging to the other end of the spectrum and moping endlessly without doing anything to get out of the bad situation is no more helpful.

     In contrast, if you came out of the flood with undamaged houses, you could fall prey to apathy for those who lost. “Well, it’s not my problem. My house is fine.” Drowning in selfishness right from the get-go of 2016 is a strong indicator of how the rest of your year will be. Consider how the flood might indirectly impact you, what you can do to help,  and even if you can’t give money, what other ways you can provide for those in need.

     The last is not as literal. It doesn’t have to do with the roads underwater or the houses evacuated. It has to do with your mentality.

     If you ignore the floodwaters of procrastination, mountains of homework, and extracurricular responsibilities rising around you, it won’t take long before your mental “house” is underwater. Speaking from personal experience, ignoring reality and then panicking when you’re in the midst of drowning is never a wise option. If you continue to live exactly as you did in 2015 is driving your figurative car into a flooded street.

     No matter which way, we are all at risk of drowning. Whether mental or physical, if we do not face the day with the proper attitude, our lives will quickly sink. So don’t let yourself drown. Self-pity, selfishness, and ignorance are not bliss. Facing reality is hard, but so are the consequences if we don’t.