Here’s My Thoughts: Heated

There have been a lot of hot-button issues this summer. Whether it’s the gay marriage legislation, the 2016 election, or the new leggings rule, I’m sure there’s something you have a vibrant opinion on.

     I haven’t met a single student who is happy to be back in school right now. For some, they hate waking up early. Some hate sitting still. Others can’t stand the stress of the mountains of homework teachers might assign, and some might just be fed up and don’t want to go to school at Westminster. I’m sure you have one, arguable reason you as to why you shouldn’t be in school.

     Far too often as a child, I heard my mom tell me, “Hate is a strong word.” As someone who feels the need to communicate her emotions with the utmost clarity and vehemence, “I hate [fill in the blank]” was an easy descriptor to color my feelings. Usually, I was reprimanded for hating so many things.

     Now, I’m beginning to understand where my mom was coming from. Passion powers us forward—it motivates us to work towards our goals and gives us strength when we want to give up. If hate is your propellor, you’re not going to be a pleasant person to be around.

     So here’s my thoughts: pick one thing you’re passionate about. One thing that lights a fire in your chest and prompts words to spill from your mouth and puts the glow in your eyes. One thing that you love more than anything else in this world.

     Sure, you might not want to be in school right now. Let me be honest—I don’t always want to either. Moreover, I’m in danger of catching a bad case of senioritis–because that virus is going to sweep through my grade like the Black Plague.

     Pick one thing you love. One thing you’re heated about. Then, take it and run. Pour your devotion, your energy, and your time into it. Use it to put the more laborious tasks in perspective. Although AP Statistics may not be my favorite subject, I’m taking it to get into a low-acceptance-rate college that I fell in love with this summer. I’m passionate about this college.

     Everyone is heated about something. Don’t waste your time wandering without a compass and poorly doing tasks you don’t care about. Find what you love, and do it. Life without passion isn’t worth living.