Making Footprints, Not Just Leaving Them


As a manager for the Westminster Football team, I do many sorts of tasks. This may include helping the team run plays, making sure they are hydrated, keeping score, and maybe something as little passing a ball back and forth on the sidelines for a little extra practice.

Recently, as the boys gathered at the end of practice to listen to important upcoming events, something stopped me. Usually, I do not stay to listen to talks given by Coach Snyder, but that day, something caught my attention. The Coaches introduced the topic of legacy to the boys. He expressed legacy as something left behind, a tradition for Westminster Football, by someone who was a leader, and who takes pride in it.

In my mind, legacy is like imprint. Legacy is something that should be pursued, as a task needed to be completed, because it is vitally important. Individually, we all want to be remembered by something we did while at Westminster, because no one likes to feel as if they did not accomplish anything. Legacy should not only be left by members of our sports teams, but all who attend our school.

At Westminster, there is a diverse culture full of many different people, with many different talents. We are a melting pot full of wonderful talent that should not go unnoticed. I do agree that our sports teams should be acknowledged because of their hard work in representing our school, but they should not receive all of the credit. Our students, faculty, and staff  work hard in their areas of expertise within our school, and not one person should be left out when remembering the legacy our school leaves behind as each year goes on.

We work as a team to leave a positive legacy for Westminster, but it is up to each of us personally to decide if we want to be remembered with a great name. It will be hard, considering there are multiple steps we have to take, but in the long run, it is all worth it. So, Westminster students, faculty and  staff, pursue your own individual legacy and find your purpose.