The Student Newspaper of Westminster Christian Academy

The Wildcat Roar

The Student Newspaper of Westminster Christian Academy

The Wildcat Roar

The Student Newspaper of Westminster Christian Academy

The Wildcat Roar

Dunes stunning visuals are well-captured by visual media.

Dune: The New, Non-Disney Star Wars

Gideon Schwamb, Staff Writer May 6, 2024

Dune: Part Two released recently, and it collected over $180 million in its first week of showing. The film’s monetary success is well-matched by its reviews, earning a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, an 8.8/10...

Sketch of Liu Yi Fei as Mulan in the 2020 live-action movie

Rabbits and Muslims: What You Do Not Know About the Story of Mulan

Ivey Wang, Design Editor May 6, 2024

One of Disney’s highly acclaimed movies is Mulan, grossing over $304 million worldwide with a production budget of just $90 million. Since its original release in 1998, Disney proceeded to remake the...

Graph shows the average energy cycle for teens

Do Goldfish Have Better Attention Spans Than You?

Carissa Mitchell, Staff Writer May 1, 2024

“The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting...

Can WCA find a way to incorporate AI into its curriculum and use it for good?

Learning from COVID – Will We Waste Another Opportunity?

Isaac Boss, Staff Writer April 25, 2024

In March of 2020, the world shut down. It was a time marked by uncertainty, fear, and immense challenges. Everyone reading this article remembers where they were, how they were affected, and what the following...

Student listens to an explicit song

“You Can’t Say That!”: The Decline of Censorship in the Music Industry

Elise Snyder, Staff Writer April 25, 2024

I’ll never forget the look on the chaperones’ faces when, at my freshman homecoming, the DJ played Mo Bamba. It didn’t matter that it was the clean version–everyone who knew the original lyrics...

Xi Jinping surveying the ranks of the PLA

Behind the Great Wall

Bella Thies, Content Editor April 23, 2024

In November of 2022, thousands of Chinese citizens gathered in the streets of their cities in an act of protest against the oppressiveness of the Chinese Communist Party and the censorship the corrupt...

Can Meritocracy and Inclusion Coexist?

Can Meritocracy and Inclusion Coexist?

Isaac Boss, Staff Writer March 26, 2024

America has a dangerous obsession with inclusivity. It’s putting futures in danger and safety at risk.  Let me explain. For centuries, Americans of all different skin colors, nationalities, and social...

Image of a bible with a phone on top open to social media apps

Who Are You Following?

Sadie Schmidt, Staff Writer March 5, 2024

Have you ever meant to do something on your phone and suddenly found yourself an hour deep in scrolling? This is the reality for millions of teens around the world. According to the CTRL, (The Center for...

Where should parents send their kids; to public school, or private school?

Private Schools: A Cash Grab, or a Practical Investment?

Bella Thies, Content Editor March 5, 2024

According to a 2023 US News survey of the countries with the best school systems in the world, America ranks number one on the list and therefore provides its citizens with the best education system in...

Kenneth Eugene Smiths final words before his execution by nitrogen gas

Live and Let Die

Elise Snyder, Staff Writer March 5, 2024

At 8:15 p.m. on January 25th, 2024, the curtain to the witness room was closed on the execution of Kenneth Eugene Smith, signifying the end of the first nitrogen hypoxia execution and the rise of a new...

AI is often described a a cheating tool, but is it really? Can we use AI without being called a cheater?

AI Attack On Education

Gideon Schwamb, Staff Writer March 5, 2024

When AI and ChatGPT are talked about, it is often in the context of cheating in school. But what is cheating? Cheating is when you turn in work that is not yours and expect to get credit for it. Cheating...

A running point tally is posted outside of the Student Life office at the conclusion of each days events

Is Spirit Week As We Know It Dying?

Isaac Boss, Staff Writer February 9, 2024

Since 1989, Spirit Week has been one of Westminster’s most cherished traditions, adored by students, families, and faculty and staff alike. Recently, however, the fierce competition between grades, as...

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The Student Newspaper of Westminster Christian Academy