The Age of Technology

Westminster is heading towards becoming a “paperless” school in the upcoming years as the iPad becomes the most common tool for students in grades 7-11.

When researching the reason for iPads in all grades, Westminster’s website articulates that, “simply stated, with the iPad, classroom walls are virtually removed. Both inside and outside of the school building, each student can seamlessly maintain and extend the learning process.”

Although the idea of putting all homework and classwork on a technological device can seem unappealing for some, Westminster brings up many good points about the benefit of having all of your work in one place. These ideas touch on the basic structure and key components of the iPad, and how that can benefit a student in a learning environment.

Many of the new students at Westminster remarked on how different school with iPads is compared to the technology at their old schools.

“It is much more convenient for me when going from class to class. Also, it is much easier to carry around an iPad than a bunch of textbooks,” remarked seventh grader, Libby Wessels.

While the iPad is a helpful tool for many of the new students this year, especially in 7th and 9th grades, the idea of being a school so focused on technology can be a bit overwhelming.

It is important to keep in mind that some Westminster teachers will still continue to teach and give assignments on paper more so than on iPads. And this is due to the fact that some students tend to learn better on paper, which will make it more difficult for them in a growing “paperless” environment.