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These little letters are considerd the best measuring stick of our personality.

Rebekah Sems

These little letters are considerd the best measuring stick of our personality.

Personality types describe how different people interact in situations and what makes them have those unique traits. Personalities are a unique part of each person’s life and impact major areas in relationships. In my own life, I have taken personality tests such as the Myers Briggs 16 Personalities. What I have found out about different personality types is intriguing.

The Myers Briggs test uses a list of questions for people to answer in order to find out what the four letters of their personality are. The letters deal with how people spend their time gaining energy (introversion (I) or extroversion (E)), how they process information (intuitive (N) or sensing (S)), how they make choices (feeling (F) or thinking (T)) and finally the lifestyle in which they live (judgment (J) or perceiving (P)).

Each one of these letters determines what personality type a person has. I am an INFJ which means I am introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging. The Myers Briggs tests also give percentages for each letter so that the test-taker can easily see what percentage of each character they are.
Introversion means that people prefer to be alone rather than with a group of people. It is the way in which they gain energy, while someone who is extroverted rechargers around a group of people. It is interesting to see how introverts and extroverts interact.
For example, my mom is introverted but my dad is extroverted. It is often a challenge when they are at some sort of social event because after a few hours my mom is ready to leave while my dad is just getting started. This is a common issue between couples of different letters.

Intuitive refers to how someone processes information and their surroundings. As opposed to sensing, intuitive is more subjective thinking and deals with looking into the unknown or the future. Sensing is more practical and deals with facts, details, and descriptions.
Someone with the intuitive trait is more likely to obsess about the future and imagine how they want life to be even if it is not necessarily practical. A Million Dreams, from the musical the Greatest Showman, is a wonderful example of someone with a strong intuitive trait.

Thinking and feeling are just as they sound and are fairly self-explanatory. Thinking people are able to think more logically about issues. While feelers are more emotional and take things much more sensitively.
My dad, again, is different than my mom in this area too. My dad is thinking and approaches issues with confidence and a solution to each problem. My mom is a feeler and much more sensitive and emotional toward difficult issues.

Judging and perceiving deal with the lifestyle in which people live their lives. The judging trait can sound like “judgmental” but actually has nothing to do with judging other people. It simply means that a person with judging quality likes to have a plan and stick to it while someone with the perceiving trait prefers to go with the flow and deal with situations as they pop up.
The Myers Briggs test has 16 different combinations of letters for 16 different personalities. It then gives the test-taker a long and detailed description of their personalities including their strengths and weaknesses, how they respond in relationships, act as parents, careers, and other famous people who have the same personality. For the free test click here.

Personalities can change, however, as people grow older and encounter different circumstances. For the most part, though, personalities stay in the same arena and don’t have drastic changes. When people choose to use the strengths of their personalities, others will be the piece that betters their weaknesses. Personalities create a unique person that makes each human who they are.