Another “Humerus” Thursday

The new senior service option that is unlike any other


Cadavers and neuroanatomy may not sound like an enjoyable Thursday morning for most people, but for Taylor Siebenman, Alyssa and Sarah Preusser, and Samantha Huber it’s a time to pursue a meaningful, educational experience.

“My favorite thing about senior service is getting to spend every Thursday pursuing the subject I love most and getting to delve deeper into medicine and the human body,” said Taylor Siebenman, senior.

For senior service, these girls have been working at Logan University with Dr. Huber, preparing diagrams and examples in the cadaver lab for students in neuroanatomy classes.

“You never know what you’re going to get which keeps it exciting.”

The girls not only get to work in the lab, but periodically they also get short teaching sessions from Dr. Huber. He wants them to understand what they are doing on a deeper level and be able to grasp how truly remarkable the body and the nervous system are.

“Every body is unique and has a story, and I always find it interesting when you find out a new piece of the puzzle.”

Working in a cadaver lab is an experience that few people get to have. Although it may seem repulsive to certain people, it truly is a special opportunity for high school students to begin to gain skills and comprehension in their future career field. Not only does it have educational value, but it gives the girls a profound appreciation for humanity and God’s creation. Any upcoming seniors interested in medicine should consider signing up to work with Dr. Huber in the cadaver lab next year.