How To Post-Christmas Banquet DTR

A guide on what to make of one’s post Christmas Banquet date experience.

Scenario 1: Just Friends

For most, the ideal CB date is not about how romantic the night is, but rather to attend with a close friend because it avoids any possible awkwardness. By just attending as friends, there are implied boundaries before the date, so defining the relationship is not necessary. This is the ideal date because the focus is strictly directed towards having a fabulous time instead of feeling flat-out awkward throughout the entire evening.

Scenario 2: Potential Friendzone

This scenario can either be the most exciting or the most dreaded feeling of all. Christmas Banquet is also the friendzoning season for those individuals who attended CB with someone who they have a trickling of feelings for. Nothing serious needs to be made of this situation, but there is a key detail that is essential to the future of this relationship. First off, feelings need to be out on the table between both parties. This way there is either a blossoming future with one’s post CB date, or they get awkwardly friendzoned and regret taking this advice.

Scenario 3: The Safe Zone

For couples who are dating their. Christmas Banquet date then they are in the safe zone. Similar to scenario 1, the conversation on figuring out the dynamic between each other can be avoided because there is nothing to be discussed. On the other hand if one’s date went a little too crazy at the after party they attended then good luck with that.