
Even Westminster Students are obsessed with the shows “Supernatural”, “Dr. Who”, and “Sherlock”. Together, the fandom is called the SuperWhoLock fandom.

So What Is it Anyway?

BBC’s Dr. Who has been around since 1963, but its reboot in 2005 is what has captured many fans. The show is about a time lord traveling through the ages with an entertaining sidekick. That same year the WB began the show Supernatural, a show about two brothers fighting demons. In 2010, BBC released Sherlock, a modern day take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels. All three shows have attracted a multitude of fans with Sci Fi action and witty characters. Over the years the fandoms have grown rapidly. People are extremely obsessed with the shows having Tumblr blogs dedicated to the fandom, participating in cosplay, writing fan fiction, and creating amazing fan art. On Tumblr, Supernatural has become known as the fandom with a gif (a moving picture) for everything. Sherlock is loved for Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock Holmes, and his faithful sidekick John Watson played by Martin Freeman. Dr. Who has probably the craziest fans, and has the most memorabilia and fan art. People have fallen in love with these shows, and their popularity has even spread to the Westminster community.

Interview with Grace Bruzenski, junior.

How did you first get into the fandom?

I was introduced to Dr. Who in the seventh grade by some friends of mine, and began to watch from the ninth doctor, and have kept up with the show ever since. As for BBC’s Sherlock, I read all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books, and have watched many movies and shows making their own adaptations of the original works. I loved Sherlock from the start, and have easily kept up with the show since there are only three seasons of three episodes. As for Supernatural, I only recently began to watch that one after hearing good reviews about it from some of my friends. It seemed interesting, and I am several seasons in.

How obsessed are you? 

I don’t know how obsessed I would say I am. I have a tendency to marathon shows as quickly as possible because I hate cliff hangers, so sometimes I go through an entire season in a weekend until I’m caught up. I have a few doctor who t-shirts, and people have given me some great gifts because they know I like the show. I talk about the most recent updates with my friends occasionally, but not very frequently.

Are you more partial to one show than another?

I’d have to say of all of them Sherlock is my favorite, perhaps because it’s the youngest and shortest show, and since I’m such a huge fan of Sir Arthur Conon Doyle’s works.

Have you made any friends through the fandom?

Yes, several. Or at least, I’ve grown closer to people since we have a common topic of interest. It’s more normal for me to convert my friends to the shows though, since I enjoy watching people’s reactions.