How Certain Foods Can Help With Your Complexion

Certain foods can help clear your complexion. Such as olive oil, tomatoes, dark chocolate, kale, green tea, and avocados. These foods/drinks help you complexion because they have special nutrients and fats that will help clear, radiant glow, banish wrinkles, and keep skin supple and soft. “There’s a growing body of research showing that diet really does affect your complexion,” says Jessica Wu, MD, a dermatologist in Los Angeles and author of Feed Your Face. “What you eat can affect your hormone balance, cause acne, and create or lessen inflammation, which is associated with skin aging.”

Olive Oil – 75% of the olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acid, which may play a role in youth boost. The antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil could also quench damaging free radicals. Radicals are can be created from pollution such as smog, dust and cigarette smoke, as well as our good friend the sun.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes is the new sunscreen and people who eat 5 tablespoons of tomato paste daily, along with almost a tablespoon of olive oil for 12 weeks, had 33% more protection from sunburn compared to a control group that ate just olive oil, according to a 2008 UK study.

Dark Chocolate – Surprisingly, chocolate is good for you and your skin, but only dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has compounds with antioxidant properties, which help hydrate skin and improve circulation.

Kale – It’s one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralize the free radicals created by UV light—including the wavelengths that actually get through sunscreen and reach your skin, according to research in Clinics in Dermatology.

Green Tea –  People who drink a beverage containing green tea polyphenols daily for 12 weeks had skin that was more elastic and smooth, and had one-quarter less sun damage when exposed to UV light compared to a control group. Green tea boosts blood flow and oxygen to the skin, which delivers key nutrients to keep your complexion healthy, say researchers.

Avocados – Avocados have special fats, essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that can help clear your face. Avocados are a natural sunscreen and a soothing ointment for sunburnt skin. The oil will help to protect your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays, and natural soothing and healing properties of the ointment will restore the damage, caused to skin by spending too long in the sun. Avocado oil will also protect your skin from environmental damage, thanks to a high content of anti-oxidants.